We’ve added some great new features to our search results page, that now put you in more control of finding the perfect tutor that suits your needs. You can now sort and filter our amazing list of tutors and refine your search based on your tutoring requirements.
Using the sorting
The sorting feature is super easy to use! Once you get to the search results page, use the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the search results, and click on a sorting option. The search results will then re-order the results, showing you the top results based on the sorting option you’ve chosen.
Using the filtering
Similar to the sorting feature, using the sidebar, click on the filter options you want to filter the results by, and the page will re-order based on the sorting option selected, and also filter out any tutors that don’t match the filters you’ve selected.
Are we missing any filters or sorting options? Let us know! We’re always open to suggestions or new additions to our features!
If you have any questions at all, we’re always here to help!