If you are no longer looking for tuition, we can simply remove any payment details registered for you and leave the account open in case you want to find a tutor again in future! To do this, you'll just need to contact our Engagement team at [email protected]


If you would like to close your account in accordance with our Privacy Policy (https://tutorful.co.uk/privacy-policy), you'll just need to head to the 'my account' section when logged in on the website, which can be accessed by clicking on your initials in the top right hand corner of your account, and then selecting my account. 


You'll then just need to click the delete account button at the bottom of the personal section. 

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Once here, you'll be able to delete your account - it's important to note that any upcoming lessons will be cancelled, and we will need to make sure all due payments have been processed before we are able to do so.


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