Whether you’ve been a teacher for 10 years or you’re new to tutoring, managing student behaviour can be difficult at the best of times. We understand that managing behaviour during online lessons is a different ball game, so we’ve gathered some handy tips that we think will help you get the best out of your students!

Setting expectations

Setting clear expectations of your student at the start of their learning journey with you, is a great starting point when managing behaviour. Making sure your student understands your lesson rules and what is expected of them leaves little room for misunderstanding and more room for positive learning!

Routine and structure

Having a clear schedule and routine can help your student better understand the structure of their learning and what it is they are expected to do during their lessons. We’d even recommend involving your student in the planning of their lessons - this can be super exciting for the student and often keeps them motivated and engaged, and we all know a motivated and engaged student is a well-behaved one!

Model enthusiasm

Did you know, enthusiastic tutors tend to have higher levels of student engagement and better student attitudes! When a tutor is excited and enthusiastic about the subject and topic they are teaching, their student will follow, meaning students are naturally more motivated and concentrated on their learning rather than distractions around them.

Speak to the parents/guardian

If you’re tutoring younger children, we’d always recommend speaking with their adult and setting guidelines for your lessons. You can suggest several things that you believe will work for you, but as an example, you could request that the student always works in a distraction-free, quiet environment. You could even ask the parent/guardian to always attend the lesson with the student if you feel they need this extra support/supervision!